
git reset --hard

2024-08-27 10:48:32
浏览 33


Git reset --hard is a command used in Git version control system to reset the current branch to a specific commit and discard all changes in the working directory and staging area. This command is commonly used to undo changes that have not been committed yet or to go back to a previous state of the codebase.

When you run “git reset --hard ”, Git will move the HEAD, the branch pointer, and the index back to the specified commit. It will also reset the working directory to match the state of the code at that commit. This means that any changes or files that were not committed will be lost.

It’s important to note that using “git reset --hard” can be a destructive operation as it will delete any uncommitted changes. It is recommended to use this command with caution and always make sure to commit any important changes before running it.

In addition to the “–hard” option, there are other options that can be used with the “git reset” command, such as “–soft” and “–mixed”, which have different behaviors in terms of what happens to the working directory and staging area.

Overall, “git reset --hard” is a powerful command that can be useful for reverting changes and resetting the codebase to a specific state in the Git history.

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